Three reasons why hiring a copywriter could be the golden ticket to excel your biz
So you’re clearly interested in hiring a Copywriter, but you might still have some hesitations as to whether you actually need one.
Everyone can write, right?⠀
Hmm, kind of. BUT...⠀
Here are some absolute key reasons as to why you should invest in a Copywriter:
1. You haven’t nailed your brand language yet. You feel like your brand tone and voice is a little muddled and it’s hard to differentiate your copy from your competitors. Copywriters are the strategic sounding board to developing your brands language to transform your copy. ⠀
2. Your website copy hasn’t been refreshed in 2, 5 maybe even (*cringe*) 10 years . It’s looking a little outdated but the more you look at it, the more you struggle with how you can change it up. Copywriters are masterminds at thinking outside-the-box and from an outsider’s perspective, can craft compelling copy to speak directly to your ideal clientele. ⠀
3. You think your business is too technical or ordinary to sound exciting. Hell no . You definitely need a copywriter on your side if this is the case. Let me tell you, air-cons can be SUPER DUPER , you just gotta delve a little deeper and bring it to life through engaging copy that makes the subject interesting and relevant to your audience. ⠀
BONUS reason: “I don’t have the time to write XYZ” – WRONG. You just need a little copywriter fairy to assist you. ⠀
I would love to help you if you need rescuing from any of the above scenarios. ⠀