The Simple Storytelling Technique To Make An Impact
When you hear the words “storytelling” in relation to your business content, you may instantly think retelling your brand story.
This is definitely a great way to use storytelling as it instantly provokes an emotional connection with your reader and will instantly attract them to you if your values align with theirs.
However, storytelling doesn’t have to be your story.
In fact, one of the most powerful ways to tell stories is through the eyes of your current customers and clients.
This is called consumer-generated content.
You retell personal stories of how your current clients have been impacted by your brand.
For example, if you’re a personal trainer you might profile a current client and write their journey and the personal obstacles they have overcome and how your fitness program has changed their life.
Really show the key benefits of your program/product/service by making it relatable and achievable to prospective clients.
This is an authentic and engaging way to persuade your ideal target market to connect with the stories, feel empowered and then reach out learn more about your brand.
Always make it credible, don’t just make up stories or scenarios that never happened. Profile true-to-life customers that you have interacted with and let them tell their authentic story.
Credible storytelling is the gem of all content.
Think about someone who would be great to profile and approach them – I’m pretty sure they will be happy to help.